Author name: Marta

Thoughts, Tips

8 questions to help you choose a holiday destination

I recently asked on Instagram how you approached choosing a holiday destination. As much as people have a “to travel list”, they find it more and more challenging to make a decision and pick the most suitable destination. Here are 8 essential questions to ask yourself before choosing a holiday destination.

Destinations, Tips

A summer in Ontario with kids

If you are looking for an off-the-beaten-path destination, with natural beauty, big spaces, outdoor activities, fresh air, and no crowds, then Ontario is for you.
In this article I am sharing our best adventures for summer in Ontario with kids


Summer Roadtrip with Kids around Sweden

Sweden has been on our travel list for a while and summer is a perfect time to visit. We were keen to discover further than Stockholm and more of the country, the nature and soak up the summer atmosphere.
Here are 7 highlights of our summer roadtrip with kids around Sweden

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