15 reasons to visit Costa Rica with kids

Costa Rica is not only a beautiful country with stunning nature, but also a paradise for families willing to adventure. My family and I have been spending few months every year in Costa Rica and we love it! Here are 15 reasons why you need to plan a trip to Costa Rica.
This article was fully written by me without the use of AI.

nature of course!

Costa Rica has the most beautiful nature in the world. There I said it! The country is home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity, despite covering only 0.03% of the Earth’s surface. Costa Rica has cloud forests, rain forests, waterfalls, national parks, volcanoes, coral reefs and beaches. It is a must visit for nature lovers.


Costa Rica s home to various species of (howling) monkeys, sloths, jaguars, turtles, crocodiles, wales, dolphins and so many bird species. You will also get to encounter the off snake, big spider, scorpion. Most houses are fully build in nature and you end up getting used to seeing iguanas on the street and pizotes in your garden. 



With exposure on the Caribbean coast and the Pacific Ocean, Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Some very secluded and others with more infrastructure. But none are built one.

colourful food

Alright, so Costa Rica is not known for its gastronomy (think rice and beans). But the food that can be picked from the garden is definitely making up for it. Fresh papaya, banana, mangoes, pineapple, citrus, avocados and more. A paradise for healthy and colourful food overs.

pura vida

It is a whole philosophy that is difficult to explain. It is a popular saying in Costa Rica. One you will hear after ordering a coffee or waving at someone. It means pure life, or all good, everything is great. It really shows the relaxed attitude of Costa Ricans.

rhythm of life

The sun rises around 5.15 and sets around 17.45. After a while, you start living with the sun. After a full day of exploring the jungle, surfing and chilling, no need to have a busy night. However, early mornings are great to beat the heat, catch those waves and see the wildlife wake up.


Costa Rica is relatively safe to travel around. Basic precautions are useful (do not walk around at night for example). We have never felt unsafe or in any uncomfortable situation.

clear skies

There is very little light pollution outside of San Jose (the capital). So most night, you are able to stargaze and enjoy the immensity of the great skies. We have been lucky to experience many nights with shooting stars.


Kids and artists will love the inspiration you get from nature and its colours. How many different shades of green or colourful flowers can there be?


Life feels very simple when visiting in Costa Rica. You get up early to enjoy the great outdoors, buy the most delicious fruits and veg at the market, go to bed early after a satisfying day. It is sometimes more complex logistically (you won’t find all the produce you are used to), but the lack of choice also makes it all simpler.


Costa Rica is on the Pacific Ring of fire, so there are many volcanoes decorating the landscape. You can enjoy hiking some of them. Spend some time around the region of Arenal and the warm thermal waters of La Fortuna.


It might be the first thing you think about when talking about Costa Rica. Surf is a true religion. There are some great beaches for beginners and places to get boards or lessons at every corner. Everyone can enjoy learning surfing, even younger kids.


Costa Rica is known for growing one of the best coffee in the world. It is due to the high altitude, volcanic soil and great climate. So a great cup of coffee is very easily reachable, anywhere you are in Costa Rica.

bird life

Even if you are not the most avid bird watcher, you will play the game of listening and spotting all the different species. Before breakfast, you can spot toucans, butterflies and colourful birds roaming around. It is a true documentary all day long.

educational opportunities

Kids end up learning a lot about conservation, the environment, animal protection, and even recycling. The way the country works and how nature is so at the core of it, give a new perspective and opens new learning doors to our children.

My family and I have just spent our third winter in Costa Rica. And we are totally in love with the country, the nature and the way of living here. We meet many expats who have relocated here and many tourists who keep coming back. I totally understand. 

I hope this article has inspired you to visit beautiful Costa Rica. 

If you need help planning your next family adventure (in Costa Rica or elsewhere), do not hesitate to reach out to me marta@test.local and book a discovery call. 

Picture of Marta Mikolajczyk

Marta Mikolajczyk

Your Family Travel Designer

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